Remove Windows Sign in User Account picture

Many a time, users don’t want to use a personal image, and the default image looks terrible. So it’s best to remove it. Follow these steps remove the Windows 11/10 sign in picture by following these  steps: Make sure to create a restore point before going ahead with the methods.

1] Replace the Default PNG

Open the File Explorer, and under view, options enable hidden folder option and also enable the option to allow visibility option for extensions of files. Then, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures. Locate images with the name user.png, user-32.png, user-40.png, user-48.png, and user-192.png files. Rename the extension to anything random like user.png.twc and so on. Create a PNG or transparent image of size 192X192 using your favorite image editor. Save it with the same respective names. As the photos will be transparent, it will be not visible. If you want to have a different default image, you can create pictures with the same name, and resolution and place it here.

2] Disable via Registry or Group Policy Editor

In both cases, we are forcing the OS to use the default image placed by us for all users. Using Registry

Open the Registry Editor and navigate to: Now follow these steps: Disable via Group Policy Editor

Open the Group Policy Editor and navigate to: Find the policy which says Apply the default account picture to all users. Double-click on it to open its configuration panel. Select Enabled and click on OK/Apply and exit. We hope you found the steps easy to follow, and you were successful in making the changes.

How to remove default Sign in User Account Picture in Windows 11 10 - 13How to remove default Sign in User Account Picture in Windows 11 10 - 49How to remove default Sign in User Account Picture in Windows 11 10 - 95How to remove default Sign in User Account Picture in Windows 11 10 - 93