Can you use Whitespace characters in File and Folder names

Windows 11/10/8 treats Whitespace characters in File and Folder names as follows: Win32 and WinRT APIs have different ecosystem requirements, as a result of which, File and Folder names that begin or end with a whitespace character are enumerated differently by each of them.

Is it OK to put spaces in file names?

Yes, you can put spaces in file names while renaming a file on Windows PC. Whether you use Windows 11, Windows 10, or any other older version, there is no harm in adding a space in the file name. However, the space must be contained within two words or digits.

Can Windows file names have spaces?

Yes, Windows file names can have spaces. For example, you can rename a file to thewindowsclub as well as the windows club without any problem. No matter whether it is a document, image, video, or anything else, you can use spaces in the file names on Windows 11/10 PC. You can read more at KB2829981.